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Learn to focus on what is important – Gossip


Like most of us, you probably answered “yes” to this question. With the same probability, your mind began to chat with a series of excuses about why you simply can not do more than you already are.

I’m not a time traveler.

But the simple fact is that if you are not focusing your time and energy on the important things, instead of the seemingly urgent things, then you are literally wasting your life.

We are all in some degree, actually. Every time we do meaningless, useless tasks, we are wasting our life. Those moments are irretrievable, disappeared, disappeared, disappeared forever in the emptiness of the past.

Television loses time. The World Wide Web wastes time. The phone and email lose time. Gossip wastes time. You just lost 10 seconds reading about useless ways of using time.

Yes really.

How many times have you said or heard someone else say something like, “Well, I’d love to do that [exercise, hobby, volunteering, etc.] if I had more time.

The problem is this: busy activity is rarely if time is well spent. It is not productive. Being busy is being out of focus and being out of focus makes you spend more time and energy than you really need when you try to do something.

I would like to share an interesting exercise that can prove my point.

Get a sharp knife, a spoon and a cardboard box. Take the spoon and try to make a hole in the cardboard box. Try it a few times and you’ll see how you do it. If you do not make a hole in the box, it’s fine. Now take the sharp knife and try to make a hole in the box. Pretty easy, right?

Busy is being the spoon. The productive thing is to be the knife.

So how are you going about this? The first thing is to look carefully at the things you do and those that are often rejected (probably because you are “too busy”).

Do you love playing the guitar, but never get to it?

Maybe he always wanted to spend more time with his children, but does work keep him so busy?

It is possible that donating your time in a local shelter has been something you have wanted to do throughout your life.

At the top of the left side, write the word “Important” and at the top of the right side, write the word “Unimportant”. Now dedicate yourself to writing all the things you currently do and those you want to do and classify them as one or the other.

Next, identify which of the items in both lists you consider urgent by putting a capital ‘U’ next to it. When you have finished, you will have the principles of a system to prioritize the way you spend your time.

The most important time that will pass will be in the things that are important but not urgent. These are the things you do because you love them. They are the things you do, which are perspective and strategic, either in your life or in your business.

Anything that is not important and not urgent must, for the most part, be removed from your life.

Then, concentrate on the important tasks. Stop wasting time (and your life).

I know the knife.

4 ways to have a meaningful conversation

I never really thought much about whether the conversations I held every day were meaningful or not. Until recently I had not stepped back and focused on what I was talking about daily. To grow in your relationships, you must have those meaningful conversations, really know the person you are talking to about your desires, needs, hopes, fears and dreams. When I thought of all the people that I care about and talk to every day, I’m not sure I can say that I know them at that level. Life is too short for dull and boring conversations; Meet those you admire at a deeper level.

1. Stop gossiping

As the old saying goes, if you have nothing good to say about anyone, say nothing at all. Unfortunately, when I think about past conversations I’ve had with my friends, I can think of some that were focused on gossip. Gossip does not make you feel good, in any case, it makes you feel worse about yourself. Leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Talk less about others and more about ideas, events, dreams, etc. It’s time to STOP talking about someone else, focus on others and THINK before you speak.

T – Is it true?
H – Is it useful?
I – is it inspiring?
N – Is it necessary?
K – Is he kind?

2. leave the phone

We live in a world where our lives are centered on social networks. People feel more comfortable sending text messages to their friends and loved ones than talking to them in person. This baffles me that this has come to this. How can you have a meaningful conversation with someone when you’re busy looking at the Instagram photo of Lucy’s selfie? For most, it is a reflex to pick up the phone every few minutes, believe me, nothing has happened that has changed the life in the last two minutes on social networks. Be present in your conversations. Put the phone in your purse or pocket and do not check it until the conversation is over. This is a challenge I know, but you will not regret it.

3. Look them in the eyes.

We have all done it; A stranger walked by and looked down instead of looking at them. But we are not only doing this to people we do not know, but to those we do. I am guilty of this and it is something that I am working to change. When I tell someone my feelings for them, it is easier to look at anything other than their eyes. But your message will not mean so much unless you are really connected to that person. Look people in the eye and do not be afraid or intimidated to do so. You can know a lot about someone just by looking at them. Research shows that people are more likely to tell you the truth if you look them in the eyes. Why? Because it makes them feel that you are trustworthy.

4. tell the truth

Say what you want to say and say what you say. Humans are deceptive beings. Many times it is much easier to lie than to tell the truth. It is much easier to agree with someone who does not agree with the fear that you can start a discussion. Let me tell you something, have good opinions that your friends or loved ones are GOOD! This is an ideal base to start a conversation. A healthy joke opens your mind to other points of view and helps you accept the different opinion. You have more respect for each other, information and knowledge can be shared between the two without any judgment being issued. It feels good to share your passion with others and get their sincere and positive comments. This will help you grow as a person and also in your relationships.

The power to change your thoughts

Your thoughts and beliefs will become your reality. Did you know that the main difference between where you are today and where you will be in 5 years are the thoughts you think and the people you meet? Therefore, you can drastically change your life by simply surrounding yourself with positive people and thinking positive thoughts on a daily basis. It’s simple: change your thoughts, change your life.

Here are some success tips for you:

1. You will take the characteristics of the person with whom you spend most of the time. There are people with whom you relate who love gossip and love to focus on all the negative things in their lives and in the world. It is easy to get caught up in a conversation with them, and before you know it, you become a very negative person. Therefore, you may have to distance yourself from some of your friends. You can still be friends with them, but do not stay close to them all the time (especially when they start to talk negatively).

You can really help them by saying positive words. Your positive comments can be erased from them, and before you know it, the “Is not It Awful Club” no longer exists. Would not it be wonderful? However, keep in mind that you can not control the thoughts or actions of other people.

2. Stop watching the news and other negative TV shows. I know that many of you see the news because you want to stay informed and be aware of what is happening in the world. As soon as you turn on the News, learn about murders, losses in the stock market, how bad the economy is, how high is the unemployment rate, etc. Once again, this causes you to start thinking negatively and start blaming other people and events. As explained in the article, “Improve your quality of life,” only one person is responsible for the quality of their life, and that is you. To succeed and fulfill your dreams, you must assume 100% responsibility. Do not blame other people or events.

3. Turn negative thoughts into positives. When you hear that the unemployment rate has gone up to 7%, for example, do not start saying, “I’m out of work because of the high unemployment rate. Did you realize that an unemployment rate of 7% means that 93% of people are employed? That is a huge number (a large majority).

Nine ways to elevate your thinking

Raising your thinking automatically improves your life. In general, how do you think it affects how you live.
This is achieved by directing your thoughts to what you want. The thoughts of what you want must dominate your thinking and you must feed your mind with information that can contribute to the result. The way we think determines the action we take daily.

Our thoughts either add or subtract. Our thinking, whether it has a decreasing or increasing effect, is never neutral. It pushes us to the realm of the update. Appropriate mentality adds life to our life and life to our life. The right mental conditioning will help us move from concern to faith, which is the key to improving our lives. By elevating our thinking, we refine our vision of our life and develop a vivid imagination of the desired result we are working on.

The following are eight simple ways to improve your life by elevating your thinking. Using these 8 steps will elevate your thinking. If we want to improve our personal, spiritual, financial or business life, this starts with our way of thinking.

1. Avoid meaningless conversations and gossip that do not add to your sleep.
2. Appreciate and share the good in your life.
3. Talk about good things, positive things and do not give too much time or attention to the negative.
4. Concentrate on the outcome you want to happen, not on the things you do not want.
5. Partner with positive people, optimists, seekers, promoters and agitators.
6. Stay away from the losers.
7. Build a relationship with someone smarter, more successful and more positive than you.
8. Listen to positive messages, teachings, inspiration and motivational talks.
9. Read the relevant positive information that reinforces the correct mindset on a daily basis.

How to handle a negative employee

You know, the one who comes in a bad mood, and in minutes the atmosphere of the whole office has sunk like a brick. Nobody wants to work with him, nobody likes to talk to him, and people do everything possible to avoid it in the corridors.

Negative employees can wreak havoc on a small business. Not only do they lower the productivity of everyone else, but they also make the fear of your team start up. Negatively it is like any virus: it spreads easily.

If you have a toxic person on your team, it is vital that you try to turn them around or let them go.

Start talking to them

If you have not approached them before, start by talking to them about their attitude. It is possible that they have a specific reason why they have been so unhappy, and if you can easily solve it, this is the best way to turn them around.

Ask them specific questions. Is your attitude related to something specific at work? Are you having problems at home? Are you too stressed with your tasks?

Finding the root cause is important. Of course, if you are just a negative person in general, you can not do much.

Keep it private

It is important not to punish the person in front of others. When talking with them about their attitude, do it in the privacy of your office. Nobody likes the audience when they have done something wrong, and making it public will probably make them act even more.

Communicate clearly your expectations

Make sure the employee knows that their attitude is unacceptable. Everyone in your business should be treated with courtesy and respect. If they do not have something nice or constructive to say, then they should keep quiet.

Many negative employees initiate or perpetuate gossip in a company. And, gossip is incredibly toxic. If this person is contributing to the gossip factory, then they should stop immediately. Gossip creates animosity, tension and stress, and your team does not need that.

Communicate consequences

It is important to be clear that there will be consequences if they do not change their behavior. If there are no improvements after a certain period of time, you may have to let them go.

The threat of job loss can be a great motivator for change, so if all else fails, make sure you know that this is an option.

Gossip – 4 habits that waste your life

“In times of change, the apprentices inherit the land while the learned ones are perfectly equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” ~ Eric Hoffer

A strange title for a personal development kid to write about? Not really. To overcome bad habits, it is necessary to expose them. Many waste significant portions of their lives in meaningless activities.

Scan these 4 habits and check yourself.

Spend most of your free time watching television

Outside of educational programs, television is pretty crap. It’s okay to reserve a few hours a week to watch your favorite shows. Outside of that, you’re wasting your time looking at the teat tube.

Reality TV could be the biggest waste of time. The only reason to see reality television is because there is a void in your life that needs to be filled. When it is empty, we will hurry to anything to fill the void. If your life is boring, the first tendency is to live the life of another person. The second is to criticize those whose life you envy. That’s why reality television is so popular: the emptiness and lack of purpose that the average person has.

To read

The leaders are readers. Those who do not read tend to be losers. Hoffer’s quote sums it up. When you read you are learning. When you learn, you are dying a little each day because the land you know has passed to you. The financier John Templeton talked about a friend who stopped reading after getting a job when he graduated from high school. He watched television in his spare time, went to the movies and did some hunting. At the age of 40 he was not better educated than at the age of 16.

Spend hours in gossip

Every minute spent on gossip is to live without a purpose. Gossip is trying to fill the void in your life. You are not engaged in any defined main purpose, so your thoughts are diverted to other people’s problems.

A gossip empty mind. Gossip can be the # 1 way to waste your life because you are no longer living your life when you gossip; You’re focused on someone else’s life, so you could be living your life.

Stop watching the news

Wait a second, I thought the news was informative? Yes, if you want to complain about politicians, catch up with the horrific murders and discover the terrible form of the economy. These things are good to know, right? I mean, they affect me … no?

No, they do not do it. Whatever it feeds your mind is what affects you. They become billionaires during recessions. Happy people are still happy during all kinds of tragedies. If you want to scan the headlines for a few minutes, be my guest. I have the appointment of a wise man in mind:

“Everything that concerns life or death comes from within.” ~ Unknown

News will rarely make you a better person. I could make you an apprentice, but what is he teaching you?

Do not waste your life

If you frequently participate in any of the above activities before becoming defensive about your actions, think about it. Do these behaviors serve you? Ask yourself the question and wait for an honest answer before returning to your routine.

Success in the workplace is worthy of happiness!

While getting a job is an achievement, you must cultivate the attitude to enjoy the fruits of your professional life. If you work mechanically routinely, your skills will weaken slowly. Another danger in this way of living professional life is that you can not do justice to your personal life. Observe yourself if you are enjoying the same happiness as on a weekend; When you are at work during business days. If your answer is ‘no’ to this question, you should follow these tips to enjoy your working life.

Positive points to reflect: you have to think about the positive aspects of the work. Think about the things that make you happy and comfortable. Talking to someone can make you happy and you may not feel so comfortable talking to someone else. Most people in the office are argumentative and this can irritate you. Always stay away from argumentative people.

Welcome change: if you’re doing the same job every day, you can get bored. Always welcome the change in your work. Take on new responsibilities to boost your work. You will enjoy freshness and challenge in your work. Always ready to guide new employees that will improve your experience. Share your thoughts with your Superiors.

Alternative methods: if you want to enjoy your work life, you must discover creative and innovative ways of doing things. Try to explore opportunities to work from home for at least a day or a week. Working at home being close to family members will make you happy. Waking up late and killing time in front of the television will only help you improve your deadlines. You have to complete the task within the deadlines, although you are working from home.

Be a continuous learner: always sharpen your skills and learn new things to improve your skills. If you improve your qualifications to fit your next level of responsibilities, you can add value to your resume.

Be happy: always trying to improve your network and meet new people will increase your enthusiasm for your work and your life. Gossiping during lunch will help you overcome stress and gather information apart from your work life.

Discipline in personal life: getting up early in the morning, going to the office and returning home, eating and sitting in front of the television will always help you kill time in a positive way. But is this kind of routine life worthy or a mere waste of your precious life? If you choose to spend your life in this manner on a routine basis, it can cause a mental imbalance and irritation. Meet new people and maintain relationships with the outside world. Pleasure trips to tourist places with family members will help you maintain cordial relations with everyone.

Proper handling of the workload: if you are always struggling with problems in the office, you must forget the world. You may have to stick to the office. You should not try to do all the work at once. Proper planning and prioritization of your workload will help you complete the work on time. At least three times a week, you have to leave the office on time.

Mind over matter – Advice for personal development

There are some incredibly important principles that we can understand in life. It’s likely that your parents or your teachers at school do not teach you these principles. Many people discover them somewhere in their lives, while others never realize these important truths.

Here is one of those truths for you to realize. If you have already discovered this, then brilliant. You have made excellent progress on your journey of self-discovery. If these affirmations are new to you, take some time to think about them and reflect on them.

The mind is the unquestionable weaver of destiny.

It is the mind that has created and molded the life that you are currently experiencing, and that continuously shapes the future in which you are walking.

This is due to the following truth: the mind is the recipient of its own results.

As a human being, you possess the powers of the mind that give you the ability to make almost unlimited decisions. You can, through a conscious and constant effort, form positive and renewing habits of life. You can also choose to break any habit that has a negative effect on your life.

In the same way, you can choose to continue practicing the habits that have brought you life or that have ruined you. The habits that have such power over you are controlled by nobody but you.

That is why it is important to remember that the internal processes of your heart and your mind define your character and your life. Your outer world (the life you live) is molded and animated by the contemplations and decisions made in your inner world.

The external things that you experience on a daily basis are nothing more than a shadow and an effect of what your internal thoughts and processes have created. The purer your heart, mind and emotions, the more pleasant and pleasurable your life will be.

Think about this for a while. When someone has done something negative, it can be easy to harbor negative feelings towards them. These negative feelings and thoughts promote the existence of greater negativity within you. I could plan ways to get back at this person, or maybe start telling others about the evils of this person’s character. He can even be gossiped or slandered.

This cycle of negativity continues to generate negativity. Soon there are reflections of this in your outer world. For example, you see this other person, you get angry and you end a fight. Or go ahead with your plan to get revenge. Or the other person hears what you have been saying about them, which triggers the anger in them and the desire to get revenge on you.

That is a downward, negative spiral of events. However, if after being offended by the person who had to simply choose the superior path of forgiveness, their feelings towards that person are not infected with the disease of negativity. Your outer world, then, does not suffer the consequences of such thought. In fact, your outside world benefits from your positive attitude.

When all is said and done, you must realize that personal growth occurs from within; It is not the result of external influence. When you stop fighting against others and start using the power of your own mind to transform, renew, regenerate and develop your thoughts, amazing things will happen!

Your life comes from your heart and your mind. Your thoughts and actions have determined what your life has become until now. They will also determine what will become of you from this point forward.

The good news is that it is within your power to renew and rearrange your mind by your conscious choice of thought. By doing so, you can transform your life.

Why is love important in life?

The world is suffering a massive commotion and a social change. There are experts who tell you that global warming will destroy natural habitats and that the mass of the earth will decrease with increasing tides. The conflict is in the headlines every day and our leaders take us in directions that seem dangerous and disturbing.

Now more than at any other time, you have the opportunity to change the world around you in the way people live and coexist.

Does that sound possible? Does only one person of the billions on this planet have the ability to effect that change?

It is absolutely possible. With love in your heart, everything is possible.

Only one person is needed.

When you open your heart and live from your heart, you honor others with the respect that comes from recognizing their right to be. It does not impose any condition or restriction on how they live or how they relate to you. By being open and feeling love towards all people, you create a space for communication and connection instead of confronting others with doubts, fears, prejudices, ignorance and creating barriers that force people and communities to separate.

Love is everywhere. It is in the supermarket when it is in line with those who are too tired or stressed to be educated, and helps them with their load. It is in the traffic jam when someone starts honking with frustration and impatience, and you let them pass in front of you because there is no kindness in making them more stressed than they already are. It is in the workplace where people gossip and bite and you understand the pain and unhappiness that they must feel to act that way.

And in these difficult times, love overcomes fear and distrust and gives you courage. Knowing in your heart that you act and speak with love will dissolve all prejudice and suspicion. How can you really fear who you love, and how can you fear defending the principles of justice and rights when guided by the clear and inner voice of truth?

You have the ability to show others how powerful the energy of love can be.

You can make a difference.

7 daily habits that could change your life

1. dental floss
Bacteria live in and between your teeth and can accumulate if not controlled by daily brushing and flossing and regular cleanings. Bacteria can get under the gums and start causing bone loss, which eventually leads to periodontitis and tooth loss. A few minutes of flossing can eliminate the bacteria that accumulated throughout the day and help you avoid expensive surgeries or dentures later in life. Also, I’m not sure exactly why, but getting rid of the bacteria on my teeth also makes me feel like I can face the world.

2. Establish an objective and write it down.
Make an intention for your day that keeps you focused and motivated. Anything from ‘not gossiping’ to ‘running 3 miles’ can be something you decide to conquer for the day. Even if today’s goal is the same as yesterday’s, write it down. Your goal should be something specific enough so that you can evaluate your progress at the end of the day. Put it on a sticky note in your car, write it on the mirror in your bathroom, where you see it.

3. go for a walk
“If you’re looking for creative ideas, walk, the angels whisper to a man when he’s going to walk.” -Raymond I Meyers
It may be the fresh air or the whispering angels, but something about going for a walk seems to clear my mind and help me solve my day. It is a good way to force yourself to spend a quiet time without all the distractions that normally surround you. Normally I come back with a new perspective on situations, or with a new idea that I want to follow.

4. Do something for someone else
Even take a few extra seconds to hold the door so that someone can put your day in a better direction. You never know what problems people have around you and showing a little extra kindness, even if you do not deserve it, can make a big difference. It also helps us to distract ourselves for a moment and remind us that it is not about us all the time.

5. Take a bottle of water with you.
Most of us are drinking much less water than our body needs. Staying well hydrated can help you feel fuller, eliminate waste, make your brain feel good and even prevent diseases. Get a bottle of water that you can take with you at work and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to keep drinking all day and how much better you feel when you do it.

6. Lower your phone
I understand the irony of this person since you’re probably reading this article on your phone right now, but you’re almost done reading, so just download your phone after it’s finished! It’s a bit insane how much time I spend on my phone throughout the day and almost 90% of that time is unnecessary. If I have even a second of downtime, I reach my phone to check the sources of my social networks. I know that this habit has prevented me from being fully involved in conversations with people, and it can distract me from the things I need to do. Especially when I’m getting ready to go to bed, I waste a lot of time on my phone that I could be using to decompress the day and spend some time in prayer. It feels good to leave my phone on purpose and let my brain rest looking at a small screen full of nonsense.

7. Do your work with everything you have
It’s really easy to do everything well enough to do it. It seems that dedicating all my effort to my work would make me feel exhausted, but in reality it makes me feel even more energetic. It is a great feeling at the end of the day to know that I did everything I could and that it also has the potential to provide more opportunities in my own way.

Steps to improve your life

Sad to say, but most of us are pessimistic. Is it our fault? Honestly, yes, it is. As a society, we have been raising our children to “keep their feet on the ground.” We do not want them to get excited about things because we do not want them to feel disappointed. We are prepared to be hesitant, “realistic” and to settle for comfort. Instead of teaching us how to have a better life, society teaches us how to survive. How do you expect us to be happy?

While society has molded us into our pessimistic selves, we have a choice. We can change the wiring. As you perfect these three things, you will find surprising changes that begin to occur.

Step 1 – Thoughts
If you want to improve yourself, understand that everything starts with your thoughts. Are your thoughts positive and energizing, or are they negative and exhausting? For most of us, the answer is negative and exhausting. The first thing you need to work on is putting your thoughts on the right path. I know, easier said than done. Work on it though. Get rid of those negative thoughts. Do you feel bad about yourself? Is there something in you that you really do not like? Most people would become obsessed with that thing. Having! Focus on the positive. You, yes, it does not matter who you are, you have something positive to offer the world. For that reason, if only for that reason, you deserve to feel good about yourself. At the time of the nest in which you find yourself thinking negatively, make an effort to change those thoughts. This is the first step to improve yourself.

Step 2 – Words
Once you have clarified your thoughts, you will discover that those thoughts will influence the words you speak. This is the next step if you want to improve yourself. Speaking negatively can achieve very little. People have an obsession with gossip about others. Not only do we lower others, but we lower ourselves. Positive thoughts lead to positive words, which lead to a better person.

Step 3 – Actions
This is when everything comes together. When you perfect yourself, your thoughts lead to your words, which translate into actions. These 3 phases must be all positive and energizing. Many of us feel that if we are busy, then we are accomplishing something. This is not the case. Look at the actions you take during a day. How many of them will have a positive influence on your life? How many of them will help you get ahead?

Eating healthy does not change your life

We are often talking about eating healthy foods and how we should add vitamins, minerals and more to our daily diet in order to make our body adapt to the challenge of what we call life.

The only part of the puzzle.

The food we are eating is certainly important for our well-being and for being able to develop and function properly, but it is only part of the puzzle.

The cars can not work if we feed it with bad gasoline and the same will happen to our human body if we feed it with bad food. It will be only a matter of time before the engine or our health breaks down.

We could eat the healthiest foods on the planet, and still not succeed with our health plan if we do not understand the importance of having a healthy mind.

Everything starts in your mind.

As they said, a man becomes what he thinks all day. This is very true since all creation begins with a thought.

Look around. Everything made by man that you can see began with a thought, which initiated the creation of an object.

You are not different and everything you keep in your mind you are creating. Positive and loving thoughts about yourself and others will create a balanced and full life.

A life full of hate, greed, jealousy and gossip will not create a healthy body, even if you are eating the best healthy foods and supplements in the world.

Who lives longer?

What do people from different cultures do to reach a very high age and live a full life?

Studies show that it has nothing to do with money and what you can buy. The most important factors for a long and healthy life are the following:

* Regular movement and walking.
* Eat natural foods.
* Love family relationships.
* A healthy social environment with positive people.

I firmly believe that we can make a big difference in our lives by just doing a little exercise in a way that you can enjoy.

Cut processed foods and go for more fruits and vegetables.

Care — Characteristics of office gossip!

Each office or work environment has at least one. I call them office gossip. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the person because they are very nice. They are good at pretending to be your friend or to be interested in helping in a situation or in a person. This person can be disguised about his gossip insofar as he may not be fully aware of what is happening at the beginning. Often, they will share personal things with you about themselves and show interest in your life. That is generally so that you feel comfortable with them, which creates a closeness in your mind but be careful. This person is not your friend and can not be trusted.

Here are some features that I have found that are red flags in identifying this type of person:

He seems to enjoy gossip about other people.
He does not seem to have much life outside of the office environment.
It seems to thrive by creating conflicts in the office.
Tattle tells the boss.
Exhibits attention seeking behavior.
If you have the feeling that this person is talking to you about other people, this person may be talking about you to other people. He/she probably is.
It exhibits a very superficial personality.
All these characteristics do not necessarily have to be present, but they are just some of the ones that I think if you experience or see a person my best advice is to be careful. Whatever you do, do not share personal information or trust them. Due to your personality type, I guarantee that this person will use the same information you have shared against them when the time is right for them. Maintain your relationship professionally if you have to interact with this person in the office. If not, stay away.

Segments of application in life: Save your heart

I. Related relational issues:

Often, I heard someone say it’s okay for a Christian to have sex before marriage. I’ve heard all kinds of reasons and justifications for why it’s okay and/or permissible. And believe me, I’ve heard some really, really, really good.

A recent example comes to mind when a Christian stated that it was fine to have (and enjoy) premarital sex and how good it is to lie down in bed afterward with the partner and read the Bible. The rational thing was that we are children of God and He wants us to enjoy ALL things. Hmm. This was clearly a moment. “Did God say?”

Yes, we are children of God; and, yes, He wants us to enjoy ALL things. But God would not contradict His Word. His Word calls us to walk saints and apart. Therefore, being sexually active outside of marriage would contradict His Word about holiness.

But even if one could find a way to rationalize being sexually active, then the test becomes: Did Jesus walk around being sexually active? After all, He modeled what we should strive for in each area.

It is difficult, it is not easy, but it is feasible or He would not have called us to walk saints. The key is to put the Word to the test, just do it! And you will find it as soon as you make the decision to keep His Word, then His grace will appear to allow you to live it!

II. Going down to the basics in business issues:

When you hear someone gossiping about a co-worker, do you sound like? Do you listen? Or are you moving away? I hope you have chosen the latter.

When you pay attention to the gossip by listening to them, you are probably not protecting your heart. It is extremely difficult to listen to gossip and slander about someone and prevent this from affecting their perspective on the person.

What is important is that you prevent your heart from being negatively influenced by the person: you are in a position to listen to God about friendship, help and silent prayer at your desk for the person.

III. Making political and economic events meaningless:

This is really a challenge in our field of news coverage 24/7 today. I know we’ve probably heard it a thousand times about listening to negative news all the time. It is not that we are trying to live a life with our heads trapped in the sand, it is simply a matter of protecting our hearts.

Remember that keeping our hearts means what we pay attention to reading and listening. If you are pressured by the slow economy, what comes up? Are you saying “I’ll never find work”?

Or are you saying what the Word says? God’s economy is not the economy of the world. Although we live in this world and things may seem like nothing is happening, says the Word of God, He satisfies all our needs. Money is not scarce for God. In fact, he uses gold to pave his streets.

Our task is to “guard our hearts” and stand firm until their provision is manifested in our lives in the natural (in this system). Rest in your ability to provide and in your time. Do not get tired doing good (that is, work faithfully in any job you can find at the moment, pay tithes, pay bills on time and live on a budget).

Beyond death, there is a new life in a new body


It amazes me that people believe and trust in heaven and hell that can not be seen and for which there is no presence or evidence of any kind. They are places that satisfy the dreams of the men who use them to obtain power and control. Most are like sheep following their leader. They do not have their own thoughts, so they accept what they are told or read as truth. Leaders, on the other hand, have another agenda in mind: POWER.

What many seek is worldly power and recognition from others of their successes and achievements. That is why competitions feed the imagination and people reach extremes of physical endurance and pain to win some moments of glory. They want to stand on the podium and shine in the light of the moment. But then it ends and then what? They had their excitement and then disappointments came.

The things of the world are driven by the need to reach and be greater than the following. This happens mainly through the actions of others who are able to resist the extremes and climb to the top of their stairs. It is what the competition does, especially when audiences participate. Even watching games on television is exciting as a barracks on one side or on the other. Create gossip and even small challenges among the observers who bet on the results.

These things are all about life as man has created it. He has twisted the things given by the Spirit and has done it to his liking. He has imagined things that are nothing but crazy images of reality. He is destroying the earth, which is his only home. He defeats others in their search for success and wars are part of the competition in which it is delivered.

My reincarnation proves how wrong his thinking really is. While he dreams of heaven and hell as destinies, my knowledge proves that they are only myths of his creation. Beyond death, there has been a return to life, again and again, to test the sense of spirituality of all and to refine those of the Spirit.

Hell is the weapon of terrorism and threatening those who do not agree with you with an eternal life in the fire is an abomination. In the same way, the promise that those who follow his agenda that acts against the Spirit will live forever in Paradise is an equally abominable scenario.

It can be seen all over the world. It is felt by those who are connected to it and are the children of Israel. He communicates with his own at a level that others have dreamed possible. Now it is ending the earth as we know it, and we have to deal with those who have been caught up in highlighting the garbage that men have dreamed of (Jeremiah 9: 3-9). Retribution has already begun.